Fear of... Abandonment Rejection Betrayal Getting hurt Being alone Getting triggered Being uncomfortable Being unsafe Myself Others getting harmed Remembering Telling Being unsafe That I'm making it up That I'm crazy That my anger will turn to rage or go out of control
That I'm only ever going to know survival mode
That there is no end to the pain
Being judged
Losing Control
Being vulnerable
That causes.... Anxiety Depression Low self esteem Hypervigilance Isolation Withdrawal Distrust Dissocation PTSD responses like fight, flight, freeze and fawn Self sabotage Avoidant behaviors Reaching for anything to space out and numb the pain Overworking That leads to...
Finding my strength Healing Recovery Setting boundaries Finding support Building trusting relationships Resilience Self acceptance Hope
Taking risks Sanity Emotional regulation Coping strategies Vulnerability Authenticity Grounding Mindfulness Feeling safe Connection with others Thriving Meaningful activities Empowerment Self-Discovery Purpose Joy Peace Confidence Balance Fulfillment
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